Multifamily Leasing Insights: A Marketing Blog

Category: Sales Funnel

Lead Response Time Stats From 2022

Live Chat Lead Response Time Stats From 2022

In this post we are going to look at a variety of publish statistics from 2022 in relation to customer support response times and communication channels. The insights we draw will be obvious, but are summarized at the end of the post.

Maximizing ROI through Leasing Optimization - Tips and Strategies for Multifamily Properties

Maximizing ROI through Leasing Optimization: Tips and Strategies for Multifamily Properties

In this article, we will explore the concept of leasing optimization and provide tips and strategies for maximizing ROI through improved leasing processes in multifamily properties.

Marketing and Advertising Trends in Multifamily Leasing

Marketing and Advertising Trends in Multifamily Leasing

Marketing and advertising play a crucial role in the multifamily leasing and property management industries, as they help attract potential tenants, promote properties, and build brand reputation. In recent years, the industry has witnessed a number of shifts in marketing and advertising trends that are worth exploring in depth.

How Gen-Z Search for Apartments

How Gen-Z Search for Apartments

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, have grown up in a technology-driven world and have different expectations and habits when it comes to searching for and leasing apartments. The following are some of the changes in the way that Generation Z search for and lease apartments.

5 Reasons Contactless Leasing is a Game Changer for Multifamily Owners

5 Reasons Contactless Leasing is a Game Changer for Multifamily Owners

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses across all industries to re-evaluate and adapt their operations in order to keep up with changing circumstances. The multifamily leasing industry is no exception, and as a result, contactless leasing has become a game-changer for many multifamily owners. In this article, we’ll explore five key ways in which contactless leasing is revolutionizing the multifamily industry and what it means for multifamily owners.

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